One Dental New Jersey Blog

Fitness First: Why You Need a Healthy Mouth Before Cosmetic Dentistry

February 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — onedentalnj @ 10:41 am
A smiling man sitting in a dentist’s chair

Often, people value their smile’s appearance more than its health. Many folks are fine with having weak teeth or gums if their grin looks great. Even so, the reality is that you need a healthy mouth to get cosmetic dentistry. Treatments meant to beautify your smile won’t work well otherwise. As for the details, just let your Edison dentist explain. Here’s a primer on why a healthy mouth is vital for cosmetic dentistry and some tips on getting (or keeping) one.


Can You Fly After Having a Tooth Removed?

January 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — onedentalnj @ 10:37 pm
Man with suitcase at airport watching plane land

There’s an important trip coming up that you have been planning for months. However, you just found out from your dentist that you have a tooth that needs to be removed, and you can’t afford to delay the procedure. Will it be okay for you to fly after your tooth extraction? Here’s what you need to know so that you can adjust your plans accordingly.


What Are Some Common Misconceptions About Tooth Extractions?

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — onedentalnj @ 12:20 am

People are naturally unfond of tooth extractions, but there are many common misconceptions about them. While the dental profession is dedicated to preventing the loss of teeth, it is sometimes necessary to remove a tooth to preserve the health of the others. A dentist will never recommend a tooth extraction without good reason, and dispelling a few popular falsehoods about the process can help patients feel more comfortable with the procedure. Here are a few common misconceptions about tooth extractions and the truths behind them.


How to Avoid Developing Dry Socket Discomfort

November 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — onedentalnj @ 5:39 pm
Forceps held to someone's teeth for an extraction

Now that your tooth extraction appointment has come and gone, you’re probably feeling relieved that the worst is over. As with any surgical procedure, however, tooth extractions come with the risk of developing certain conditions if you don’t follow post-op instructions.  That means it’s incredibly important to follow the directions from your dentist in detail to steer clear of potentially painful complications, such as dry socket. Keep reading to learn more about it and how you can prevent it from happening!


Cavity Questions: Are Veneers Safe?

October 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — onedentalnj @ 5:03 pm
Veneers with dental instruments on a blue background

Dental veneers have become a trendy solution for hiding imperfections in your teeth. They’re often used to cover chips, cracks, minor gaps, or slightly crooked teeth. Your dentist bonds these resilient ceramic casings to the front of your pearly whites to cover flaws and shield already damaged teeth from sustaining any additional injuries.

Because porcelain veneers are finished with a durable glaze that resists breaking and staining, many people assume they’re also cavity-proof. It’d be tempting to let your oral hygiene habits slide if you felt like your teeth were safe from harm! Keep reading to learn why it’s important to continue your regular dental routine even with veneers.


Veneer Materials Beyond Porcelain

September 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — onedentalnj @ 11:37 am
person with a lovely smile

If you’ve ever wondered how celebrities all over the world get their perfect smiles, veneers are often the answer. While they’re certainly popular among the Hollywood elite, they’re also a way for just about anyone to get the smile of their dreams!

Veneers can’t really be defined as just one thing. Many of the things you may think are absolutely true about veneers actually aren’t certainties.

For example, while veneers are commonly made from porcelain, that isn’t always the case. There is another kind of veneer that may be better suited to your needs—here’s what you should know about them.


Dental Veneers: A History

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — onedentalnj @ 4:10 pm

Veneers can address many aesthetic imperfections in your teeth. Whether you have a chipped tooth or simply want to hide years’ worth of staining, they can help! Today, these hard shells are made of durable porcelain that can cover flaws while protecting damaged teeth from any additional harm. That means that they provide benefits above and beyond a beautiful grin- but that hasn’t always been the case!

Veneers have not always been so readily available, or even long-lasting. For a long time, they were a benefit reserved for the wealthy until new developments made them more widely accessible. Keep reading to learn more about how veneers became one of the most popular solutions for people from all walks of life to achieve their ideal smile!

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